When Leadership Gets Squirrely

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Some people are like clouds. When they go away, it’s a brighter day. – Anonymous

I have to start this with a disclaimer. I am not a hateful person. I was raised better. So here goes my confession – I hate squirrels. I hate them with a passion. I have on occasions questioned God as to the reason for their miserable existence. But, I digress.

You see, one of my great joys is birding. I have somewhat of a bird sanctuary in my backyard at home. I love the beauty and majesty of the many birds that visit the feeders every day. They are beautiful creatures and it brings me a great deal of satisfaction to feed them and to create space for them in my yard.

But, I hate squirrels. 

I hate having to chase them away from the feeders. I hate having the “experts” in the specialty stores recommend me to buy their guaranteed product that will keep them away. They don’t. Squirrels are a nuisance of the highest order. 

Hang around in leadership long enough and you will run into squirrely characters. Over the years, I’ve come across plenty. Who are these squirely characters you have to contend with in leadership? In what ways are they like the menacing squirrel? Here are a few examples.

They are self-serving

At times in your organization, you will run across people who are self-serving. They make decisions based entirely on what’s good for them. Typically, these people have hidden agendas that over time become not so hidden. Then one day you have that aha moment and you realize that everything that they have been doing has only had one benefactor-themselves. Like the squirrel, they take what they want and leave the rest with no thought to the consequences.

They stick together and sow discord 

Negative people tend to attract negative people in the same way positive people attract positive people. It’s one of the reasons why attitude is so important. Left unchecked, this pact of negative influencers can grow like cancer and pull everyone down. This is not to say every organization has this pact within it, but most have at least one. And so long as there is one sympathetic ear then there’s the potential for disruptions in the morale of your organization.

They are indecisive – until they aren’t

Have you ever seen a squirrel try and cross the road? They zig-zag back and forth in either direction until they finally dart across the road before they meet their demise. Sometimes in your organization, you will run across those squirrely and indecisive leaders who can’t seem to make up their mind. Their ability to lead is hindered by the obvious fact that they don’t know where they are going or why. This, of course, only frustrates the dynamic of the organization due to a lack of leadership skills which makes everyone else want to pull their hair out. 

They destroy to get what they want

Over the years, I’ve had more than one bird feeder destroyed by squirrels. It’s just what they do to get to the seed. In every good, efficient, and profitable organization there are a group of dedicated and committed people who have the buy-in and determination to bring their vision to life and succeed. And then there are those squirrely people who are only in it for themselves and what’s good for them. And unfortunately, they will cause more harm than good until they are dealt with. 

Final Thoughts


Sometimes when I see a group of squirrels in my yard, I call for my dog, Shakespeare. It’s a fun little activity as he anxiously waits for me to open the door while channeling his inner Mufassa with all of the energy his seven-pound Morkie body can muster. Then it happens – he charges through the door to defend his yard. The chase is on! It ends almost as quickly as it begins – the squirrels win again!

But in real life, it’s not as easy, and it’s certainly not amusing. Too much is at stake. As a leader, you will be surrounded by people who bring you joy and delight like the birds. They are pleasant to be around and are good team players. 

And then you have a few squirrels.

Next week, I will devote this space to how we deal with those squirrely people and help you see your path forward. 

Until next week, keep feeding the birds. It’s worth it.


©2020 Doug Dickerson



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How To Defeat A Culture Of Apathy

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A lot of you cared, just not enough. – Jay Asher

Data from Gallup has confirmed what many have known for some time – employee engagement in the workplace is suffering. When only 32% are engaged in their work then we have to acknowledge the elephant in the room. Simply wishing things were different is not enough.

The Conference Board reports that 53% of Americans are unhappy at work. Think for a moment too about the economic impact of disengaged employees on your bottom line. If more than half the people in your organization are not happy, how do you think that affects your future?

An article in shiftboard revealed that disengaged employees are costing you money and affecting your profits. They say, “Each disengaged employee costs you 34% of their salary because of lost productivity, missed shifts, chronic tardiness, and disrupting others by spreading negativity throughout the company”.  If not bad enough, the article goes on to say that “actively disengaged employees cost the U.S. $483 billion to $605 billion in lost productivity.”

How much can you afford to lose to disengaged employees? What is an acceptable figure that you are willing to tolerate?

While every organization faces its own cultural challenges as it relates to employee engagement, there is usually one common denominator that can be found in most- apathy.

Apathy, in its simplest definition, is a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. It sets in when your people believe they have no voice, and when they believe that things are not going to get better. Then they get angry. 

When any of these characteristics are in play within your organization then you must move quickly to identify it and turn it around. Time is money and your productivity is at stake. Here are a few ways to defeat a culture of apathy.

Promote ownership

As a leader, you must do everything within your power to promote the mission and vision of the organization. It must be out there and repeated often. Never take for granted that because you’ve shared it once they will remember it forever. But, over time, the buy-in will happen as trust is built. However, if you want to fast track employee engagement, then give your people ownership. When people take ownership they will be less apathetic, they will be more invested, and will deliver their best work.

When people work to fulfill your vision it can be a struggle, when they work to fulfill theirs it can be life-changing. Click To Tweet

Promote community

A smart leader understands that there’s no substitute for a community of people within your organization who are known to each as colleagues and not combatants. Apathy becomes an issue when people see each other as combatants – not caring what the other group is doing- when in reality it all matters. A diversity of ideas and opinions is one of your greatest assets. In community, all ideas are welcome. In a community, relationships are coveted over competition and turf wars. In a community, people are held accountable for negative attitudes that would give rise to apathy. Click To Tweet

Good leaders are not just aware of the need for community but insist upon it because they know their existence depends upon it.

Promote culture

This is an important piece of the puzzle that leaders need to understand. Community is how you get along with one another. It’s the practice of good manners, cordiality, and civility. But your culture is your why.  It’s what gives meaning and purpose to what you do.

Your organizational culture is weakened or is breaking down when you hear things like, “I don’t why I bother speaking up, no one listens to me,” or “What difference does it make if I’m late,  no one will notice,” or “Why should I care if no one else does,”. How many times have you heard these type of statements? How many times have you used them?

A failure in community creates conflict.  A failure in leadership creates apathy. Your organizational community is relationship driven. Your organizational culture is leadership driven.A failure in community creates conflict. A failure in leadership creates apathy. Your organizational community is relationship driven. Your organizational culture is leadership driven. Click To Tweet

As a leader, you need to understand that apathy is the greatest threat to your organization. With apathy there is no ownership, there is no community, and your culture is harmed.

Make it your practice to know the signs of apathy and be intentional in addressing it. It will make a world of difference to your organization.


©2019 Doug Dickerson

  • Check out the link at the top of the page for information on my employee engagement workshop.
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How To Bring Doers and Dreamers Together

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The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do. – Sarah Ban Breathnach

In his book, Rules of Thumb, Alan M. Webber writes about the differences between talkers and doers. It is a special relationship in organizational structures between those who talk up great ideas and those who can make it happen. Webber writes:

In your company, who gets listened to when it comes to assessing an idea or evaluating a project? If your company is like most, good talkers get taken more seriously than real doers. The people in the field who are closest to the problem and closest to the customer may be useful when it comes to doing what our experts have advised.

Herein lies the primary challenge to the discerning leader. How do you take the best and brightest ideas from the talkers and mesh them together with the people who can carry out the vision – the doers? Sound like a familiar challenge?

Let’s face the facts: companies need visionaries as well as people to execute the vision. Every organization depends upon both to be successful. Unfortunately, the marriage between the two can be rocky because each uses a different side of the brain in the process.

In keeping with the marriage metaphor, Dave Meurer said, “ A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences”.

When a leader understands the dependency upon both the dreamers and the doers, it creates an interdependence between the two which opens up the possibility of great things happening. It’s not easy. In fact, it can be messy. But if you want great results for your organization, you must find a path forward. Here are a few things to consider on that discovery.

Dreamers must trust the doers with the details

It is important to understand the influence of the dreamers. T. E. Lawrence said, “All men dream: but not equally…but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible”.

Think of where your organization would be today were it not for the dreamer – those who see the big picture long before everyone else and point the way. Dreamers are invaluable in terms of their creative genius to move the company in the right direction. Yet, when it comes to the execution of those plans, dreamers must give way to the doers.

By deferring to the doers, dreamers are in essence passing the baton as in a race to the ones who can carry the team to victory. And when the dreamers understand that the doers can take the vision to completion, it no longer becomes a territorial issue but one of what is best for the team.

Trust must flow between the dreamers and the doers in order for the ideas to work. It’s about learning to share the dream and make it a reality.

Doers must trust the dreamers with the vision

In many respects, doers and dreamers are predisposed to be skeptical of one another. Both work and live on different sides of the brain, and therefore, do not always understand how the other thinks.

But when the doer learns that the dreamer is just as invested in the organization and its success as the doer is, then progress can be made.

Trust between the two is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle for your organization. The dreamer knows what the picture is supposed to look like once assembled. Doers have to trust that the dreamers have the right picture or vision for where the organization is going before the doers start putting the pieces together.

Doers and dreamers must remember that they are on the same team

Trust is nurtured when leadership builds bridges between doers and dreamers. This can be a difficult proposition when you factor in turf wars and egos – especially when the doers and dreamers have been kept apart. Suspicions can run deep.

But Webber adds another point worth mentioning. He says:

But don’t forget: you’ve got plenty of streetsmart frontline people in your own organization, men and women who are close to the customer and have deep working knowledge about what works and doesn’t work in your company. How do you get access to their kind of knowing, the kind that comes from actual doing?

As a leader, this is what you have to figure out. But it begins when you bring your doers and dreamers together. You have build bridges between your doers and dreamers and get them talking, sharing their ideas and perspectives, and help them build relationships. Because when you do, your organization will be unstoppable.


© 2017 Doug Dickerson

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Four Ways Leaders Can Foster Cooperation

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Photo Credit: Google Images

The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. – Theodore Roosevelt

Charles Osgood told the story of two ladies who lived in a convalescent center. Each had suffered an incapacitating stroke. Margaret’s stroke left her left side restricted, while Ruth’s stroke damaged her right side. Both of these ladies were accomplished pianists but had given up hope of ever playing again. The director of the center sat them down at a piano and encouraged them to play solo pieces together. They did, and a beautiful friendship developed.

We all know that cooperation is important. That much is certain. But if you are a leader on a diverse team of individuals how do you reconcile such diversity of opinion, egos, and DISC placements in a way that inspires collaboration and cooperation rather than a brawl in the break room?

Here are four approaches that may help.

Embrace the tension

Some leaders prefer to shy away from the tension and madness that makes up their organizational culture; I say embrace it. Within those diverse opinions and ideas is a wealth of creativity, when collated and organized, can be a game changer for you. Corralling your team and tapping into their collective creativity can be a leadership challenge but if you can pull it off it can pay huge dividends.

Challenge assumptions

One thing you have to be mindful of as a leader is not falling into the mindset that you must always “keep the peace” or not “rock the boat”. I think once in a while it’s a good thing. I am not advocating disrupting your organization simply for the sake of creating chaos, but I am advocating confronting status quo thinking head-on. Disrupt your way of thinking and disrupt it in your people so that no idea, option, or way of looking at things is ever business as usual and predictable.

Build bridges

Within your organization you have left brain people and right brain people. You have the visionaries that see things before the rest of the team and you have the builders who make it a reality. You have the strong-willed, the analytical, the outgoing, and the humble. You are all over the DISC map. Good! Building a culture of cooperation begins when you acknowledge, embrace, and seat everyone at the table. If your organization is going to grow and succeed you need all of these people with you. It was General George Patton who wisely said, “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”

Create engagement

Successful engagement and cooperation within your organization occurs when you bring your team together- not when you keep them apart. It happens when you put the visionary and the builder together to see the big picture. It occurs when you put the right brain and left brain people together so they see they are not each other’s competition but their completer.

Lest you think I am looking at this through rose-colored glasses, let me be clear- this will not be easy. It will be hard work and a leadership challenge. People will have to check their ego’s at the door and come prepared to learn.

But before cooperation can take place you must name the elephant in the room and embrace the tension that exists that is a result of different personalities on your team. You must challenge your assumptions and traditional ways of thinking. Cooperation is not forcing everyone to conform to your way of thinking. It starts with an open mind, respect, and by embracing other points of view.

Building a culture of cooperation can be the difference-maker for your organization. As a leader it is up to you to foster the environment.


© 2016 Doug Dickerson



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Leadership Minute: Who’s Your Mentor?


Because mentors see our potential, they believe in us and help us believe in ourselves. – Joe Land, (Lessons from a Dream Maker)

An essential component of your growth and development as a leader is to have mentors. Mentors can give wise counsel, encouragement, correction, and affirmation while being an invaluable resource in your life. The truth is, leaders never stop learning and growing. When you get to a place where you think you know it all then you are in a dangerous place. One absolute truth I’ve learned in leadership over the years is this: the more I learn the more I realize how much I don’t know. When you surround yourself with mentors you can draw from their knowledge and experiences and apply them to your own life. The secret to your growth as a leader is to never stop being a student.

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