Four Attitudes for an Extraordinary New Year


And now we welcome the New Year. Full of things that have never been. – Rainer Maria Rilke

Welcome to 2016! As we kick off the New Year we are once again reminded of resolutions made, resolutions kept, and resolutions that fell by the wayside. What about you? Did you make any resolutions?

In a post on Static Brain ( the Top 10 resolutions of 2015 were to lose weight, get organized, spend less-save more, enjoy life to the fullest, stay fit and healthy, learn something new, quit smoking, help others in their dreams, fall in love, and spend more time with family. Sound familiar?

As leaders it’s important to keep our goals fresh and review our priorities. It’s how we stay focused and achieve our goals. As we enter 2016 allow me to share four simple attitudes with you that serve as reminders for our growth and how you can make 2016 extraordinary.

The attitude of a learner

Your year will be extraordinary as a leader as you embrace the attitude of a learner. It’s when you think you know it all that you stop growing and become stagnant.  Your personal growth and development hinges on an attitude of learning, not on an attitude of coasting off past experiences.

For the leader, school is always in session and the opportunities are limitless. Devote yourself to learning all you can, reading all you can (, and growing all you can as a leader in 2016.

The attitude of a winner

Your success in 2016 begins with your own thinking. It begins when you take responsibility for your attitude. When you embrace the attitude of a winner then good things will begin to happen for you. Of course, it takes more than a good attitude to succeed such as your work ethic, but if your attitude stinks you won’t go far.

As a leader this will always be one of the greatest challenges you will face. Negative people and attitudes are not hard to find, so you will have to work extra hard to rise above all the negative voices. That being said, do it- and do it at all costs. Your extraordinary year depends on it.

The attitude of a giver

Think for a moment what the impact would be if every leader you know, starting with you, took to heart the attitude of being a giver? The world around you would look a lot different wouldn’t it? Significance as a leader begins with the attitude of giving. It becomes extraordinary when you influence others to do the same.

John Maxwell says, “If we want to achieve significance then we need to become intentional about getting beyond ourselves and putting other people first.” Extraordinary leadership begins when you get the focus off of yourself and put it on others.

The attitude of a listener

What will set you apart as an extraordinary leader is being one who listens. I know for some it runs counter to what they like to do, but leaders who excel are those who know when it’s time to speak and when it’s time to listen.

Larry King said, “I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.” What a great philosophy. Learning and listening are synonymous to each other. What we have to say and offer as leaders is only as valuable as what we take in by listening.

Make it your purpose in 2016 to live an extraordinary life as a leader. It all begins with your attitude. Happy New Year!


© 2016 Doug Dickerson

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