Leadership Minute: Breaking Down Big Thinking


I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big. – Donald Trump

Your achievement is proportional to your thinking. Until you embrace big thinking you will not see big results. Of course, big thinking doesn’t guarantee big results but it is the starting place. Big thinking, like big dreams, requires more. You can’t just think it or dream it. You have to devise a plan and go to work. But big thinking is foundational to your success. Big thinking or ideas is nothing more than a series of accumulated incremental steps in the process toward that end. Begin by asking the basic questions: What can I do today? Who can help me? What resources do I have? What resources do I need? What changes do I need to make? How soon?, etc. Start asking and start answering. Create your plan and work your plan. Think big, grow big, and work to be big. There is no other way. But it all starts with big thinking.

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