Leadership Minute: Set Your Course


Among the safe courses, the safest of all is to doubt. – Spanish Proverb

Let’s be honest; all successful leaders starting out have their doubts. Whether those doubts about the future and their goals are self-inflicted or placed upon them by someone else, every leader has doubts. You know the doubts I speak of: Am I qualified? What happens if I fail? What will people say or think if I fall short? Well, hang around long enough in leadership and you will no doubt hear those sentiments. The question is not whether you will have doubts but what you will do with them. The key is not to be defined by your doubts or doubters but to set your course and not look back, neither to the left nor to the right, but straight ahead to the goals before you. You must listen to the only voice that matters that comes from deep within you saying this is the way. Set your course, cast aside your doubts, and chase your dreams. You can do this!

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